by David Criniti | Jul 10, 2022 | Blog
Her attitude, enthusiasm, and encouragement of her team-mates first caught our eye when she was a Year 10 student at Evans High School, struggling to train through Ramadan in order to prepare for her Goal Race at the Westlink M7 Blacktown Running Festival. Her...
by David Criniti | May 11, 2021 | Blog
It is with much gratitude that The Run Beyond Project recently welcomed well-renowned financial planner and founder of Knightswood House, David Hazlewood to Chester Hill High School to meet the students and present the project with a cheque for $10,000 on behalf of...
by David Criniti | Apr 14, 2021 | Blog
The event, on Friday, 26 March was the third annual training day, and it equipped 12 teachers from 9 schools with the knowledge and capabilities to implement The Run Beyond Project in their settings. Representatives from Coonamble High School, Gorokan High School,...
by David Criniti | Mar 22, 2021 | Blog
International Women’s Day, Monday 8 March, saw Gulgong and Killarney Heights High Schools launch their 2021 all-female Run Beyond squads. The Gulgong squad are continuing their strong involvement from 2020 and will commence training in Term 2, ready to hit their...
by David Criniti | Feb 16, 2021 | Blog
In December 2020, a number of individuals and teams competed in the 2020 Beyond Virtual Run raising a total of $17,322. Although each contribution to our fundraiser is equally valued, there are some from a few different quarters that clearly highlight the positive...
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