
Friday, February 28 saw 15 teachers attend the second Run Beyond Project Teacher Training Day, equipping them with the necessary skills to successfully implement the program in their own school settings.

The attendees were a mixture of teachers who had previously implemented the program, along with teachers from seven new schools. Riverstone High School, Gulgong High School, Plumpton High School, Engadine High School, Vincentia High School, Lightening Ridge High School and Denison College – Kelso High Campus were all represented for the first time and warmly welcomed to The Run Beyond Team!

Teachers enjoyed the day immensely and are all eagerly awaiting the opportunity to empower their students as they implement Run Beyond at their respective schools. “It was fantastic to have the opportunity to network with teaching colleagues” said Samantha Berridge of the Catholic Learning Community of St John XXIII at Stanhope. Sam said she is keen to begin her second year implementing the program and feels “very privileged to be a part of the run beyond family.” 

Nambucca Heads teacher, Michelle Versluys added that the “day just confirmed for me what a life changing experience Run Beyond is giving to students. I loved hearing all the success stories and meeting the inspiring teachers who are going to implement the project in their schools this year.”

The Run Beyond Project uses running as a mechanism to develop capacities around goal-setting, commitment and resilience in students as they work towards the completion of a challenging but achievable Goal Race, typically between 10km and a half-marathon in length.

Teachers networked on the day and explored the possibility of numerous schools meeting and particular Goal Races, providing students with opportunities to meet their counterparts in other schools and to jointly celebrate the achievement of their goals.

Run Beyond founder David Criniti delivered the training, guiding teachers through both the theoretical and practical components of Run Beyond, with returning teachers providing valuable insights as to how the program’s potential has been realised in the variety of contexts that different schools present.

We were also fortunate to have a guest appearance from physio legend Pete Colagiuri, a long-time Run Beyond supporter, from Bioathletic, who engaged the teachers with an excellent overview of injury prevention and management strategies to maximise the students’ chances of success.

Stay tuned for accounts of these success stories throughout 2020 and beyond!



Want to be part of the journey? Get in touch!

Twenty-four teams managed to complete Beyond Borders Virtual Run by covering the 876 kilometres in the 3 week period, with The Mile(age) High Club covering an amazing 3,332km, Goats covering 2,774km and KEO 9 Sole Mates covering 2,245km. Congratulations to The Mile(age) High Club who not only covered the greatest distance, but were also first across the line, winning each of their team members a $600 voucher from our great supporter, On

On the fundraising front, it was an amazing year with support coming in for runners undertaking marathons around the world and culminating in Rhodes Runners undertaking a special challenge on the final day – a Parramatta to Sydney Opera House run!

In total, more than $55,000 was raised over the three weeks…that equates to around 5 new schools being able to join Run Beyond next year!

A special thanks goes out to all of our teams including our long time, and year round, supporters Rhodes Runners, Sydney Striders, and On Running and, for the first time in 2024, KEO International Consultants, who fielded an incredible 13 teams with 130 participants and donated an amazing $25,000!

Overall it was a fantastic effort by all teams and individuals and an effort that will see us able to bring the Project to many more schools in 2025!

Of course, none of this would be possible without the help of our supporters, On RunningKnightswood House, Sydney Striders, Second SkinThree Bridges Run and Ultra Series Australia.


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